Euthanasia Services

Saying goodbye is never easy, but our team is here to support you in making the right decision.

It's never easy saying goodbye to the companions who have been right by our side through it all. Euthanasia is normally the last resort when your furry friend's quality of life has continued to dwindle. Our team of client care representatives, technicians, and doctors will be able to help you determine if the time has come for your beloved pet, along with providing you options for their commemoration.

How do I know if it is time to say goodbye?

After a consistent decline in the quality of life of your pet, you may wish to book a consultation with a doctor to assess next steps. When there are more bad days than good, it's important to step back (as hard as that can be) and consider what is the best route for your loyal companion. Our doctors can assist you with this tough consideration.

What happens during the euthanasia?

When you come in for your appointment, we will bring you and your loyal companion into one of our exams rooms where you can take as much time as you need with your beloved pet before proceeding. A member of our team will come in to discuss commemoration products with you. If you do not wish to be present for the remaining procedure, please feel free to let us know. We understand that it is not an easy event to witness.

Once you have decided what memorabilia or urn will honor your loving pet, one of our doctors will bring them to the treatment area where our technicians will place a small IV. Once back in the room, our doctor will administer a gentle sedative that will allow your pet to fall asleep and lay peacefully in the room by your side. Following this, the euthanasia medication will be administered pain free, and your pet will be able to rest without any suffering or pain. 

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